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3 port broadband push-on adapter 5 – 2.000 MHz, IEC-Female at the back, tap loss 4,8 dB (DATA/TV) and 2,0 dB (radio)
2 port broadband push-on adapter 5 – 2.000 MHz, IEC-Female at the back, tap loss 4,0 dB,
2 port broadband push-on adapter 5 – 2.000 MHz, IEC-Female at the back, tap loss 4,0 dB
Broadband antenna outlet 5 – 2.000 MHz, 1 port IEC-male, tap loss 0,2 dB with cover plat
90° angled adapter F-female/F-male
Xiline plus 6-way splitter, 5 – 1.218 MHz
Steel-armored patch cord with LC/APC to LC/APC connectors, 5,0 m