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Multimedia antenna loop-through outlet 1.800 MHz with Data and selective TV port, insertion loss 14 dB (Data) and 14,5 dB (TV)
Cover plate 80 x 80 mm, 2 port
Termination box 5 – 1.000 MHz
RG6 trishield coax cable 100 m, loss at 50 MHz: 4,3 dB, 862 MHz: 18,6 dB
Axing CATV Amplifier B3.2
Grounding cable 4 mm² (solid) green/yellow, 100 m ring
UHF De-emphasis equalizer, 13 dB
Multimedia antenna termination outlet 1.800 MHz with Data and selective TV port, insertion loss 4 dB (Data) and 4,5 dB (TV)